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About Jude

My brother Jude, is the sole reason for my advocacy, as well as the person who has changed my life in the best way possible. Jude is diagnosed with Autism, Global Apraxia, and Receptive and Expressive Language deficits. At four years of age, he was placed in a classroom that integrated children with special needs with typically developing children.

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Autism Symbol

There are many autism symbols, one of them being the rainbow infinity symbol. The rainbow infinity symbol represents not just the autism spectrum but provides a worldwide spectrum.

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Buddy Boxes

I created Buddy Boxes to provide information on inclusion. They contain a letter from myself, QR code to this website, my contact information, and functional items such as pens and sticky notes. I send these boxes to school administrators to promote inclusion in schools that may or may not have inclusive programs for students with special needs. Additionally, I send these Boxes anxious to speak to students in schools about inclusion.

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School Teachings

Finding out my younger brother was diagnosed with Autism was hard to comprehend as a 6 year old. Growing up with my brother taught me how to be inclusive towards others with and without disabilities. I want to teach younger children how they can be a friend to someone with autism…

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How can you help?

Please click here to visit our fundraising page. All proceeds will benefit Best Buddies International.

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