Best Buddies And Other Inclusive Programs

The Best Buddies Program is an inclusive program for individuals with and without disabilities. People involved with the program as associate members, are invited to participate in several fun events throughout the year. Members called Pure Buddies, participate in fun events and are able to buddy up doing any activity they want to do with their buddy during the year.

At my high school, we have a Best Buddies Program. I am an officer and have the position of fundraising chair/ event coordinator in the program. This means I get to participate in events, have a buddy, and help teachers and staff in organizing the program. The Best Buddies Organization is more than just a school program. They have college programs, and even an e-citizens program. To learn more go to their website: 

Best Buddies is not the only inclusive program to participate in. Some other programs that promote inclusion include TOPSoccer, Special Olympics, and more. I advocate for these  inclusive programs so that every school and community has an inclusive environment that makes everyone feel accepted and welcomed.

Buddy Boxes

I created Buddy Boxes as a bridge to connect schools to inclusive programs. I send these boxes to school administrators to promote inclusion in schools that may or may not have inclusive programs for students with special needs. Buddy Boxes contain information about services I provide to assist schools with starting or expanding inclusive programs in their district.

How Can I help?

Please click here to visit our fundraising page. All proceeds benefit Best Buddies International.